Summer Diet Plan

Is an Elliptical Trainer right for you?

Elliptical Trainers - Top Ten Reasons for buying one.

Elliptical trainers, along with treadmills, exercise bikes and home gyms, are one of the most popular pieces of fitness equipment purchased for weight loss and improved fitness.

In this article we discuss the top ten reasons people buy elliptical trainers for their home so that you can assess whether an elliptical trainer is the right piece of fitness equipment for you and your family.

The top 10 reasons to buy elliptical trainers are:

1. Weight loss and improved fitness.

Elliptical trainers (also called cross trainers) have helped millions of people to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals and they may be able to help you too.

Exercising on an elliptical trainer can help you burn a lot of excess calories and can improve the strength and health of your heart and lungs.

Exercising on an elliptical trainer is also great for raising your heart rate into the zones most appropriate for weight loss and fitness.

2. Elliptical Trainers can help prevent you from training too hard.

One of the most common mistakes people make when they first start exercising is to train too hard.

Training too hard in the beginning of your exercise program can lead to injuries and may encourage you to quit because you feel it’s too hard and not worth all the effort.

By giving you the ability to regulate the speed at which you exercise, elliptical trainers can help you avoid this common exercise mistake.

Some elliptical trainers are even sophisticated enough to monitor your heart rate while you are exercising.

What a great way to make sure you’re always training in the right heart rate zone!

3. You can make small adjustments as your fitness improves.

Because the speed and resistance of most elliptical trainers can be adjusted in very small increments, elliptical trainers are perfect for training at increasingly higher intensities once you’ve built a base level of fitness.

Because exercising on an elliptical trainer can be made a little harder or a little easier with the touch of a button, they are also great for including interval training into your routine where you exercise at various speeds within the same workout.

4. An Elliptical Trainer can be used at anytime.

One of the greatest benefits of owning an elliptical trainer is that you can exercise when you want, day or night, hot or cold, sun or rain.

Many of us today lead hectic lives and find it hard to fit exercise into our busy schedules.

What we need is the ability to exercise when we want and for as long as we want.

Having an elliptical trainer at home can be better than joining a gym in this respect because we don’t need to worry about gym opening and closing times and having to share our elliptical trainer with a hundred other time-poor exercisers.

5. Make maximum use of your time.

Owning an elliptical trainer allows you to get your daily exercise done while you’re doing other things, like watching your favourite TV show or listening to your favourite music.

Watching TV while exercising on an elliptical trainer often makes your workout seem a lot shorter and even a little easier.

6. The whole family can use it to exercise.

One of the great things about having an elliptical trainer at home is that the whole family can use it to lose weight and get fitter.

Research shows that when the whole family has similar goals and is committed to losing weight together, each family member is more likely to succeed.

7. You can save money.

Buying your own elliptical trainer can be cheaper than paying gym fees, especially if more than one person in the family wants to exercise.

Gym fees can be expensive, and for some of us, that money may be better invested in a good quality elliptical trainer that will serve us well for many years.

Most elliptical trainers today are very well built and come with good warrantees so we can be sure to get many years of exercise out of them.

8. Elliptical Trainers exercise the lower and upper body.

Elliptical trainers exercise the lower and upper body by providing resistance to the muscles of the legs, chest, arms and shoulders.

Because our legs and arms are moving in a kind of criss-cross fashion, elliptical trainers also work our midsection as well.

As a result, elliptical trainers provide a great overall toning workout while providing the aerobic exercise many of us need to burn maximum calories and body fat.

9. Exercising in private.

Many people who want to lose weight are very self conscious and don’t necessarily want to exercise in public.

Having your own elliptical trainer allows you to exercise in the privacy of your own home so you won’t need to feel embarrassed working out at your own pace.

10. Elliptical trainers are low impact.

Elliptical trainers provide a similar workout to jogging and running, but without the impact on our muscles and joints that these other exercises involve.

For those of us with existing injuries or soreness in these muscles and joints (ankles, knee and hips), elliptical trainers are a godsend because they allow us to get a similar workout without the associated pain.

For those of us without existing injuries, training on an elliptical trainer may help prevent us from experiencing them altogether and may prolong our ability to exercise well into old age as a result.


Elliptical trainers, along with treadmills, exercise bikes and home gyms, are one of the most popular pieces of fitness equipment purchased by people who want to lose weight and improve their fitness.

In this article we discussed the top ten reasons many people buy an elliptical trainer so you can make an informed decision about whether they are right for you.

Good luck with your weight loss and thanks for visiting

© Copyright Ultimate Weightloss.

This article was written by Scott Haywood.

Scott is the editor of Scott has developed an expertise in fitness and nutrition, and their roles in weight loss, which led him to launch in 2005. Today, provides weight loss and fitness information, including hundreds of healthy recipes, weight loss tools and tips, articles, and more, to millions of people around the world, helping them to lead happier, healthier, lives.

You can follow Scott on Google+ for more interesting articles.

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