Summer Diet Plan

Diet Shakes & Weight Loss

Meal Replacement diets and weight loss

Meal replacement diets are all the rage now and are growing in popularity, particularly those using diet shakes and snack bars.

Of course meal replacement diets aren't new, remember Limits biscuits anyone?

In this article we talk about why meal replacement diets are a popular weight loss strategy, name the most popular meal replacement products, describe how best to use meal replacements to lose weight and discuss whether or not they can work for you.

Why are meal replacements so popular?

The most common reason people use meal replacement shakes and bars for weight loss is because they are:

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Convenient
  • Effortless – no planning required
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Available in a range of flavour options for variety
  • Effective (more on this later)

Basically, meal replacements are so popular because they are simple, require little or no thought or effort and are easy to use compared to following a calorie controlled diet and exercising.

The most popular meal replacement products in Australia

The most popular meal replacement products in Australia include meal replacement shakes and meal replacement bars.

The most popular meal replacement shakes currently include:

  • Oh-So-Simple
  • Slimfast
  • Ultra Slim
  • Optifast
  • Optislim
  • Tony Ferguson

The most popular snack or meal replacement bars include:

  • Slim Secrets
  • Aussie Bodies
  • Horleys
  • PowerBar
  • Well Naturally

Do Meal Replacements Work?

OK, so meal replacements are very popular and there are a lot of different products to choose from, but do they work?

Well according to a number of research studies and people that we have spoken to that have used them, yes they do.

Getting the most out of meal replacements

Meal replacements can help us to lose weight. But there are a couple of things to keep in mind if you are planning to use meal replacements to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

The things to keep in mind include:

  1. Taste is actually important
  2. The nutritional content of meal replacement products varies.
  3. Meal replacements should be used differently over time.
  4. You shouldn't just rely on meal replacement products to help you lose weight.
  5. Meal replacement shakes are packed full of vitamins and minerals and so make nutritious snacks too

Let's talk about each one of these in turn.

Taste is actually important:

If you don't like the taste of a meal replacement, you're not going to want to consume them on an ongoing basis. There are many products on the market that don't taste very good at all. (If you want a really great tasting shake, try the new ones from Oh-So-Simple, they taste amazing).

The nutritional content of meal replacement products varies:

Most meal replacement products today have added vitamins and minerals to provide a better nutritional balance, which is good, but not all products have the same level of nutrition.

This means that your other meal(s) during the day need to be high in valuable nutrients like fibre, Omega 3 fatty acids and the most common nutrients found in fruit and vegetables.

In addition, people on meal replacement programs might also consider using a multivitamin supplement to ensure they are getting all the vital nutrients their body needs.

Meal replacements should be used differently over time:

Most meal replacement programs advise users to change the way they use the meal replacement products over time and many are not intended for continual long-term use.

For example, for rapid weight loss in the beginning of a meal replacement program, it may be advisable to replace as many as two meal per day with a meal replacement product, but as the weight comes off and you get closer to your goal weight, it is then advisable to only replace one meal a day and so on.

Don't just rely on meal replacement products to help you lose weight:

Everybody knows that successful long-term weight loss is best achieved using a combination of modified diet as well as exercise.

If you plan to use a meal replacement products to assist you to lose weight, your best bet is to combine your meal replacement of choice with healthier eating generally and regular exercise.


Meal replacements for weight loss are all the rage at the moment and seem to be growing in popularity, particularly weight loss shakes and high protein snack bars.

In this article we talked about the reason that meal replacements are a popular weight loss strategy, named the most popular meal replacement products, described how best to use meal replacements to lose weight and discussed whether or not they can work for you in achieving your weight loss goals.

Good luck achieving your weight loss goal and thanks for visiting

© Copyright Ultimate Weightloss.

This article was written by Scott Haywood.

Scott is the editor of Scott has developed an expertise in fitness and nutrition, and their roles in weight loss, which led him to launch in 2005. Today, provides weight loss and fitness information, including hundreds of healthy recipes, weight loss tools and tips, articles, and more, to millions of people around the world, helping them to lead happier, healthier, lives.

You can follow Scott on Google+ for more interesting articles.

Diet Plans

Our Summer Diet Plan for 2016 incorporates brand new recipes with lighter options for the warmer weather that the whole family can enjoy. The package contains a 4 week diet plan, 100 plus full recipes, an exercise plan, and a printed Summer Salads recipe book.
This is a great four week diet plan for winter because it contains a range of winter warmer dishes, hearty soups, etc. This diet plan has 2-3 dinner choices per day, to offer flexibility and cater for different tastes. This PDF includes over 100 delicious recipes which you can print or save to your tablet or computer.
This is great for summer because it includes plenty of salads & lighter meals that won't keep you tied to the kitchen. This is a 2 week quick kick start diet plan. This PDF includes over 50 delicious recipes which you can print or save to your tablet or computer.
This plan incorporates recipes with everyday ingredients. Pies, Soups, Pastas and even some desserts. We give you a choice of breakfasts & dinners each day. This PDF includes recipe links only.
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